• The features of terrorism and the different types of terrorists;

• The impact and effectiveness of terrorism as a political weapon;

• Responses to terrorism: the international community, the democratic dilemma, and crisis and consequences management;

• The background and characteristics of Al Qaeda, its offshoots and other jihadist groups including IS;

• The threat to the international community and key features of effective international response;

• Requirements from the public, media and private sector in effectively countering terrorist threats; and

• Emerging trends in terrorism post the 9/11 attack on the US.




• Ideologies that motivate terrorism and the formation of terrorist groups;

• Other motivational factors including psychological, economic and cultural factors;

• The terrorists’ worldview and the transmission of its propaganda through the media and the role of propaganda in recruitment;

• Different interpretations of events from the terrorist perspective and assess the impact of ideology; and

• Potential future ideological trends in terrorism.




• The relationship between a terrorist group's ideological make-up and the type of targets and tactics it might use;

• Drawing distinctions between “traditional” terrorism and "new" international terrorism including two case studies on the IRA and Al Qaeda / Global Salafi Jihad;

• Different types of tactics that terrorists employ and the importance of terrorist target selection, technology, recruitment, training and financing;

• The impact of state response on terrorist tactics;

• Best practices for effective inter-agency collaboration in countering terrorism;

• Terrorist group exploitation of the media, including satellite TV networks such as Al-Jazeera; and

• Possible future terrorist tactics.




• Roles and responsibilities that should be incorporated into policies intended to counter terrorism;

• How the early needs of different societies have led to the development of different security models, and how these models affect national security and public safety policy options;

• The advantages and disadvantages of different approaches to counterterrorism;

• An overview of various national counterterrorism policies from around the world;

• The concept of national security, policies and organisations;

• The effect of new technologies on counterterrorism policy; and

• How national security policies address the balancing of civil liberties




• A history of terrorist attacks against aviation both in the air and on the ground;

• Why aviation remains a key terrorist target and the need for effective aviation security;

• The evolution of aviation terrorism including hijack and sabotage bombing;

• The severity of the threat posed to civil aviation by terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda;

• Emerging threats, the need for awareness and advanced measures in countering aviation terrorism;

• How governments, law enforcement, terrorist groups and the public have changed their views and approach to aviation and terrorism since 9/11;

• Analysis of physical security and intelligence measures aimed at preventing aviation attacks; and

• Possible future threats of aviation terrorist attacks and potential security measures.




• The history of the presence and proliferation of maritime terrorism;

• Current threats to the maritime domain posed by piracy and terrorism;

• Capabilities of groups involved in maritime related terrorism and crime;

• The various threats to maritime trade and judging their impact and probability;

• Major maritime security initiatives to date, including legal requirements such as the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code, the Container Security Initiative (CSI), Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) and the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT);

• Technological solutions for ship and port security; and

• The role of private security firms in combating piracy.




• The importance of the protection of critical infrastructure and key resources;

• Understand the current threats to critical infrastructure and key resources posed by terrorism;

• Explain the critical infrastructure protection cycle as well as risk assessment and risk management plans;

• Case studies on nuclear energy, aviation and cyberspace security to understand the issues of criticality, vulnerability and threats to key assets;

• Critical infrastructure interdependency and Complex Adaptive Systems;

• Critical infrastructure protection vs. Critical infrastructure resilience; and

• Future threats to critical infrastructure




• Relating cybersecurity threats to terrorist;

• Definitional and conceptual issues needed to assess why the idea of ‘cyberterrorism’ may be relevant and how it may be distinguished from other phenomena;

• How a variety of political actors use the internet in legal and illegal ways, including the culture and practice of computer hacking;

• Basic technical principles of how the internet works, and why internet based systems are vulnerable to attack;

• How the internet is used as a weapon and a resource by activists, terrorists, their supporters and governments;

• Issues involved in countering cyber threats and terrorist use of the internet at global, regional and national levels; and

• General principles of cybersecurity, and political and legal issues at stake in developing regimes against cybercrime and cyberterrorism.




• A study of German Red Army Faction terrorists sponsored by the German government in the 1970s to illustrate the arguments against the existence of common traits in those who become terrorists;

• ‘Triggering events’ and understanding terrorism as a process – exactly what does the study of radicalisation and de-radicalisation aim at;

• The process character or nature of becoming involved with terrorism - small steps vs major steps and what events lead to individuals becoming terrorists;

• A study of Western Jihadists such as the 7/7 bombers and typical ‘traditional’ terrorists such as PIRA or Italian red brigades activists to highlight the different natures of how individuals become involved;

• Disengagement – how do terrorists walk away;

• De-radicalisation – why do terrorists change their way of thinking and how to make the process of walking away irreversible; and

• Implications for counter terrorism, when to intervene and how the process could be stopped or even reversed.




• The international human rights framework and the different institutions that have been established to protect human rights at the international and regional level;

• Key concepts behind the idea of human rights, and its relationship with democracy and the rule of law;

• States of emergency, and the idea that human rights safeguards may be restricted or even suspended during times of crisis;

• Whether respect for human rights is no longer meaningful or it is an essential aspect of effective counter-terrorism policy;

• Details of specific rights, including the right to life, the right to liberty and due process, the right to a fair trial, freedom of expression, the right to privacy, and freedom from torture; and

• A wide range of policy issues including the use of surveillance, ‘enhanced’ interrogation methods, drone strikes, secret evidence, deportation, extradition and detention without trial.




• The US approach to homeland security including the creation of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the issues it has faced;

• The changing nature of responses of both UK and key European organisations and agencies involved in domestic policy both pre and post 9/11;

• Disaster preparedness and response as a key element within homeland security;

• Border security in protecting against threats like illegal immigration and smuggling as well as transportation security;

• The fundamental issues of intelligence sharing within homeland security organisations;

• The increasing problem of homegrown terrorism and how to deal with terrorists from within the domestic population; and

• Prospects and barriers for international cooperation on homeland security including differing penalties and the issue of human rights.




• Definitions of IEDs and legal issues in various countries;

• The technologies of IEDs including timing and initiation devices, command-wire IEDs and radio-controlled IEDs;

• The IRA and the evolution of the IED;

• Differing IED strategies such Al Qaeda and suicide mass killings compared with the IRA aiming primarily at specific targets;

• How terrorists use supply chains to obtain the explosives and components for IEDs;

• Civilian threats to business, commerce and transportation;

• Emerging threats including improvised thermo-baric weapons and electromagnetic pulse (EMP) IEDs;

• Military EOD response operations in Afghanistan;

• Civilian arenas of EOD operations in Northern Ireland and Iraq;

• Intelligence on IEDs including aerial surveillance, to break insurgent supply chains;

• Weapons intelligence units and IED forensics vital for prosecution and conviction and for tracing and shutting down bomb-makers and their chain of command;

• Explosives detection and security to counter IEDs focusing on air, maritime and rail; and

• Challenges faced in dealing with evolving devices, such as improvised CBRN IEDs.




• Understand the mechanisms of supply of CBRN and the difficulties of obtaining intelligence;

• Assess the terrorist CBRN threat and how perceptions of civilian threats changed after 9/11;

• Measure intent alongside capabilities of groups and individuals, and examine how they acquire and fabricate materials into CBRN device;

• Explain the nature and effects of CBRN agents and materials and discuss past noted event;

• Analyse the obstacles to CBRN deployment by non-state actors, and why some groups with potential capability chose not to use CBRN while others may do;

• Measure the effectiveness of government countermeasures – equipment, first response, training and render-safe procedure;

• Discuss the extent of the threat against the backdrop of conflicts and instability in many regions; and

• Examine the possibility of future threats and incidents.


MODULE 14 – intelligence


• What is intelligence and the difficulty of definition;

• The different types if intelligence including the three traditional elements of Human Intelligence, Signals Intelligence and Imagery Intelligence;

• The principles of intelligence including centralised control, responsiveness, objectivity and accessibility;

• Policy makers and operational planners and the differing ways in which the two use intelligence to make decisions;

• The law and human rights including privacy, data protection and freedom of information

• ‘Need to know’ vs ‘Dare to share’ concepts;

• Political, military, commercial, economic and criminal intelligence and how these types differ; and

• The use of the internet and cyber intelligence in the future.




• How psychology can contribute to the study of terrorism and the terrorism;

• The range of approaches within psychology and how a multilevel approach is needed, including clinical, developmental, neuro, social and forensic psychology;

• Explanations and psychological frameworks for aggressive and violent behaviour;

• How group processes play a key role in terrorist behaviour;

• The problems with approaches that assume mental health and personality types are root causes of terrorism;

• The issues inherent in leaving terrorism behind; and

• How the study of victims of terrorism are central to understanding terrorism.




• Introduction to the present day Middle East;

• History of the Middle East, an examination of the different civilizations that have inhabited the Middle East;

• The territories and regions that make-up the present day Middle East;

• An examination of the ethnic diversity within the modern day Middle East;

• An examination of the economic situation within the modern day Middle East;

• How to conduct an in-country threat and risk assessment;

• Travel security to the Middle East, do’s and don’ts;

• Country specific cultural awareness training Turkey, Cyprus, Lebanon, Palestinian Territories, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Oman, Kuwait, Yemen, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Qatar; and

• Country specific security briefings, Turkey, Cyprus, Lebanon, Palestinian Territories, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Oman, Kuwait, Yemen, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Qatar.

TOPIC TITLE:         International Security and Counter Terrorism Training Program


DURATION: 6 Months


PREPARED BY: John Perdikaris, M.Eng, PhD, CMAS, P.Eng.




DATE: Available from September 1, 2017


TARGET GROUP: Law Enforcement Agencies and Armed Forces and Agencies of Allied Nations, Certified Professionals and Corporate Security Officers


GOAL: Increase officers and/or operators skill sets in international security and counter terrorism operations and improve training procedures


INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES:           Please see attached list


METHOD OF INSTRUCTION:         Distance Education


INSTRUCTIONAL ITEMS & MATERIALS:     Graphics, demonstrations, training manual and additional support training.



Master Certificate Program fee: € 2.450,00 (16 modules) + € 150 (application fee)

Alternatively, candidates can chose and purchase individual modules or a combination of them:

- individual module € 350 + € 150 (application fee)
- two modules € 600 + € 150 (application fee)
- three modules € 900 + € 150 (application fee)
- four modules € 1100 + € 150 (application fee)
- five modules € 1300 + € 150 (application fee)
- six modules € 1450 + € 150 (application fee)
- eight modules € 1600 + € 150 (application fee)

- nine modules € 1750 + € 150 (application fee)
- ten modules € 1850 + € 150 (application fee)
- eleven modules € 1900 + € 150 (application fee)
- twelve modules € 1950 + € 150 (application fee)
thirteen modules € 2000 + € 150 (application fee)
fourteen modules € 2100 + € 150 (application fee)
fifteen modules € 2450 + € 150 (application fee)

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